What is Sitecore and how can it benefit your Business?

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Sitecore has been around for years. It's a leading digital experience company specialising in delivering seamless and exceptional experiences to customers worldwide.

Since it was established in 2001, Sitecore has always been on the forefront of content and experiential technologies. Constantly innovating and evolving. Every iteration is better than the last, offering developers, editors, and marketers loads of tools.

These tools are used to produce impactful digital projects that can show hyper personalised content to visitors. This has been one of the key elements of Sitecore's philosophy over the years. Right content. Right person. Right time.

Over the past few years Sitecore has invested over £1 billion into its future as it shifts away from a single solution to a composable stack, signalling the end of the monolith Digital Experience Platform (DXP) era. It's a significant shift in strategy and product roadmap.

Sitecore Composable DXP suite

A phased approach to a full Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) future means that Sitecore will, over time, transition the XP solution to XM and JSS (Headless) as its core CMS capability and focus on complementary DXP capabilities.

The migration to a full SaaS Composable DXP solution means that the key Sitecore technologies become modular. In other words, businesses can “mix & match”  Composable DXP products to suit their needs.

Below are the Sitecore composable modules:

  • Sitecore Send: Focuses on email and marketing automation
  • Sitecore CDP and Sitecore Personalise:  Focuses on personalisation and A/B testing with customer data available to drive that personalisation
  • Sitecore Order Cloud: Focuses on online commerce
  • Sitecore Discover: Focuses on search capabilities
  • Content Hub: Focuses on content generation, media storage and digital rights management as well as content creation workflow

Sitecore's new topology addresses major pain points by delivering a stronger set of feature-rich functionality. The modules use  AI to further enhance their capabilities. As a set of SaaS products, hosting and updates are also taken care of.

How can Sitecore solve your business needs?

Knowing what Sitecore is (and isn't) will help your decision making and planning. If you're considering Sitecore as your preferred platform, the first thing you should ask is how can Sitecore solve your business needs?

You may be struggling with creating great user experiences. Personalisation for instance, will enhance this. Plus, with Sitecore’s headless front-end delivery you can speedily change the user interface without having to deploy the whole solution.

If you run an ecommerce business Sitecore can cater for this too. It has many ecommerce tools that will enable you to deliver better shopping experiences as well as improving your inventory management.

Not sure which layout or message will work? Sitecore’s A/B and multivariate testing tools will enable your business to not only test pages against each other, but also page components.

Sitecore DXP has everything you need to deliver your digital strategy and meet your business objectives.

By building your website with its "mix and match" feature set, your business's growth can be helped by lower maintenance costs, efficient development cycles, greater flexibility, and speed to market, and so hopefully more conversions. Below is an extensive list of benefits:

  • Modernised architecture
  • Automatic SaaS upgrades (no upgrade costs)
  • No more hosting costs
  • Email & marketing automation
  • Customer Data Platform and personalisation
  • eCommerce
  • Search
  • Greater flexibility and capabilities
  • 100% headless
  • Create and edit sites and applications, editing pages and experiences in a modern cloud-based interface

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